<iframe width="480" height="270" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/0_a-ffZoDsg?clip=
Fiber Optic Baby Mobile in Google Patents shows 0 results when searched as Fiber Optic Baby Mobile, https://patents.google.com/?q=Fiber+Opitic&q=Baby&q=Mobile . Fiber-Optic also shows a zero result. Which it would be a good idea to proceed with the invention. "Frisbee Disc Golf Billards" and its search in Google Patents has shown a zero result, https://patents.google.com/?q=Frisbee&q=Disc&q=Golf&assignee=Billards . Other things to think about are the materials necessary, weight, height, width, size. Obviously, environmentally friendly, or recycled materials would be one of the ways that the "Fiber Optic Baby Mobile" & "Frisbee Disc Golf Disc Billards" could be made. However, there is not a rule, nore is there law that says its necessary. Our corporation would then have to worry about purchasing environmental credits to offset the pollution and carbon footprint, so we have to be certain to capture and...