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Showing posts from October, 2017

5 Truths To Outlast The Coronavirus Outbreak | Joseph Prince

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Fiber Optic Baby Mobile in Google Patents shows 0 results when searched as Fiber Optic Baby Mobile, https://patents.google.com/?q=Fiber+Opitic&q=Baby&q=Mobile   .  Fiber-Optic also shows a zero result.  Which it would be a good idea to proceed with the invention.  "Frisbee Disc Golf Billards" and its search in Google Patents has shown a zero result, https://patents.google.com/?q=Frisbee&q=Disc&q=Golf&assignee=Billards   .  Other things to think about are the materials necessary, weight, height, width, size.  Obviously, environmentally friendly, or recycled materials would be one of the ways that the "Fiber Optic Baby Mobile" & "Frisbee Disc Golf Disc Billards" could be made.  However, there is not a rule, nore is there law that says its necessary. Our corporation would then have to worry about purchasing environmental credits to offset the pollution and carbon footprint, so we have to be certain to capture and...
Patent searches from the last blog post have no results. The products we have in mind would be viable and usable by all who would be interested in using them.  One thing that is important to remember is to write down information such as ideas, ideas like important innovations or inventions. Another  thing I have learned is that we may make a product become licensed, instead of patented, or just patent pending .  However with product license, we have to ask for those involved to sign a non-compete form .  Another form we may need have the potential partner or licensee sign is a non-disclosure agreement . Ironically, the First Amendment , isn't non-disclosing for myself, friends and family and colleagues welcome, others not. For example, the fiber-optic baby mobile , from the last decade, could be produced and manufactured by any large, medium, or small   manufacturing firm, if licensed to them or sold to them, however, a non-disclosure agreement...
According to shares on the stock market and recent  companies which offer digital reservations... searching for events, tickets or dining and lodging. A few may have adventure. However, what are they stacked up against a standard search of information by conventional means or what we wan t with out them telling us. Adventure itself may have lost its way, what is fun or adventurous? Companies may work with people to find travel, like travel agencies.  Sometimes there are even relocation companies.  Rare fitness centers and what they possess.  Physical fitness and meditation, yoga, zumba, dance,  rare buildings or scenes to workout in, are difficult for people to find.  Often they are overlooked or remain well hidden. As well as special people that are very gifted and important or unique to the world that are very hard to find.  What about sciences and art?   Invention and innovation...
https://www.google.com/search?tbm=pts&hl=en&q=giant+frisbee+disc+golf+disc+bilalrds &= Google Patent search doesn't show a result for a giant Frisbee disc golf billiards game version. Pumpkin Pie shaped art, or pool tables. https://www.google.com/search?tbm=pts&hl=en&q=giant+frisbee+disc+golf+disc+bilalrds &= Google Patent search doesn't show a result for a giant Frisbee disc golf billiards game version. Pumpkin Pie shaped art, or pool tables. Individuals or corporations may invest in or purchase corporations or patents.  Some may be up for sale or some be up for trouble.  a few weeks ago we discussed materials and what we would need for the Frisbee disc golf discs and other parts that we would have.   Another thing which could be used is a natural new plant, which we could patent, and use as a new type of material.  The cold stuff which you feel going in, isn't cold, its the super poison, the worlds...
Club Chaos Inc. would like to offer itself up as a franchise.  Considering that there are multiple divisions of the corporation, there are several different types of franchise kits which will become available. fran·chise ˈfranˌCHīz/ verb gerund or present participle: franchising grant a franchise to (an individual or group). grant a franchise for the sale of (goods) or the operation of (a service). "all the catering was franchised out "   It doesn't have to be a synergy.  However, it does hold the key to universal balance, as myself and each of its board members, and directors, and everyone who holds a piece of the corporation. The stock of the corporation does what it does, people may choose to invest, or they may not. It may rise, or it may fall.  The profits and assets and holdings exist. syn·er·gy ˈsinərjē/ noun noun: synergy ; plural noun: synergies ; noun: synergism ; plural noun: synergisms ...
Club Chaos Inc. would like to offer itself up as a franchise.  Considering that there are multiple divisions of the corporation, there are several different types of franchise kits which will become available.  It doesn't have to be a synergy.  However, it does hold the key to universal balance, as myself and each of its board members, and directors, and everyone who holds a piece of the corporation. The stock of the corporation does what it does, people may choose to invest, or they may not. It may rise, or it may fall.  The profits and assets and holdings exist.  Individuals or businesses may learn more about franchising, or they may not.  Several different corporations offer up a franchise. People may invest into a corporation using franchising or stocks, or some corporations offer mutual funds and certificates of deposit and bonds, that's why many corporations have more than one division.  Some franchising kits include t...
Club Chaos Inc. does stand, it does earn profits, its annual meeting did occur by the date necessary. A few things to get out of the way. 1.  Gay =  " I am not" nor may I be punished or abused or have my life threatened or destroyed for it, especially if I am not. Written By: The Editors of Encyclopædia Britannica Last Updated: 9-12-2017 Homosexuality , sex ual interest in and attraction to members of one’s own sex. The term gay is frequently used as a synonym for homosexual; female homosexuality is often referred to as lesbianism . At different times and in different cultures , homosexual behaviour has been variously approved of, tolerated, punished, and banned. Homosexuality was not uncommon in ancient Greece and Rome , and the relationships between adult and adolescent males in particular have become a chief focus of Western classicists in recent years. Judeo-Christian as well as Muslim cultures have generally perceived homosexual ...
Killers..., child pornographers..., rapists..., thieves..., liars..., arsonists..., the worse in the world can not control me, dont listen to them any further!  I have never authorized these super villains by signature or by word of mouth to be over myself ever, I am tired of their biased and unrelenting attacks against myself and all the victims they have, and their lies, I urge each of you to stop listening to them!  They do not hold the right to be any controlling or negative or false statement making individual or group against my person or any other!  Stop the criminals and super villains, stop their delusional lunacy and super lies.  I am an innocent person, none of my person or any other has to be destroyed by them!  This is the result of their 40years war against myself, my family and my friends and it must end!  Irregardless of what any of these super villains say, including those who go to or visit or beg your white house!  None of my life is...