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5 Truths To Outlast The Coronavirus Outbreak | Joseph Prince

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They stole my testicles! Please stop removing and destroying my mastice and anatomy.

Should I write the business plan on this blogger and tumblr, Instagram, and pinterest, which should also have the MySpace, several thousand others?

Lean Start Up Plan

Executive Summary

"Club Chaos Inc.",  is/was/is, a marketing, consulting, advertising, management, logistics, data, construction, solar, energy, law, risk management, corporation.  A large part of the corporation is in research in development.

Mission Statement: see previous out of order comes chaotic perfection,somethings  not said or did by me. 

Value Proposition:

Company Description:  

"Club Chaos Inc.",  is/was/is, a marketing, consulting, advertising, management, logistics, data, construction, solar, energy, law, risk management, Product Design, Research and Development, corporation.

Multi purpose corporation

Market Analysis

Current market analysis have demonstrated that each division of our corporation will be doing great things and maintaining a worth while profit per annual projected based on demographics and trends.

Key Partnerships:
Suppliers, manufacturers, banks, financial services,strategic partnerships, and many others. 

Key Activities:
 Technology, marketing, direct, indirect, multi-level and multi-envisioned corporation. 

Key Resources:
 intellectual property, products and services 

Customer Relationships: 
online, phone, in person, and by mail or e-mail, and other advanced systems. diversity, across all plans, fields and divisions. 
one example is the HUBzone program, https://www.sba.gov/contracting/government-contracting-programs/hubzone-program/understanding-hubzone-program

Organization and Management

 priorly, or currently, fog from situation, according to the books it should still be up running.

Service Or Product Line:

We offer an abundance of both services and products in a global market place.

Marketing and/or Sales:

Marketing and sales will be and flow magnificently

Value Proposition:

 Unique, never before seen or used methods and techniques

Customer Segments :

Corporation will serve all across the divisions of the company who have the need or interest and who can be reached.

Channels: "Club Chaos Inc.",  is/was/is, a marketing channels will be by phone, in person, online, on the road, in the sky, and by sea, by mail, or email. The consulting  department will have the mix of phone, in person, online, on the road, in the sky, and by sea, by mail, or email. The advertising department will use the/and be the mix of   phone, in person, online, on the road, in the sky, and by sea, by mail, or email.  The management department will use the/and be the mix of   phone, in person, online, on the road, in the sky, and by sea, by mail, or email.  The logistics department will use the/and be the mix of   phone, in person, online, on the road, in the sky, and by sea, by mail, or email.  The data department will use the/and be the mix of   phone, in person, online, on the road, in the sky, and by sea, by mail, or email.   The construction department will use the/and be the mix of  textiles, phone, in person, online, on the road, in the sky, and by sea, by mail, or email. The solar department will use the/and be the mix of   phone, in person, online, on the road, in the sky, and by sea, by mail, or email.  The energy department will use the/and be the mix of   phone, in person, online, on the road, in the sky, and by sea, by mail, or email. The law department will use the/and be the mix of   phone, in person, online, on the road, in the sky, and by sea, by mail, or email. The risk management department will use the/and be the mix of   phone, in person, online, on the road, in the sky, and by sea, by mail, or emailThe Product Design department will use the/and be the mix of   phone, in person, online, on the road, in the sky, and by sea, by mail, or email. The Research and Development department will use the/and be the mix of   phone, in person, online, on the road, in the sky, and by sea, by mail, or email

Cost Structure: 

Generate value and revenue over time above that of which they had previously

Revenue Streams:

Some of the ways in which the corporation would/will generate revenue streams are through direct sales, computer sales, online sales, phone sales, satellite based sales, logistics sales, b2b p2p c2c n2nn g2g and the unique sales and currency system. 

Funding Request:

They stole my testicles!  A fair funding request is around 100 billion dollars USD. The corporation intended on using the funding for equipment, materials and so many pay checks for staff, that the sky becomes the limit. 

Financial Projections:

Projected growth of and returns on investment of one hundred percent on each dollar placed into the firms and divisions.   Profiting has flowed well under times of equal circumstances when the corporation is not  hindered by surrounding problems , the corporation actually does and has flourished and proven more than profitable.


Letters Of incorporation, "Club Chaos Inc."  Products Designed, Patents, Patents Pending, things Manufactured, bought, sold, 

Examples, toy store, marketing company, law firm, real estate, solar installment

Forms PDFs on SBA websites or at the city hall office or local SBA offices, see below

SBA Login, internet and phones are down all around,

Traditional Business Plan

calculate your startup costs

Calculate your startup costs

How much money will it take to start your small business? Calculate the startup costs for your small business so you can request funding, attract investors, and estimate when you’ll turn a profit.

Calculate your business startup costs before you launch

The key to a successful business is preparation. Before your business opens its doors, you’ll have bills to pay. Understanding your expenses will help you launch successfully.
Calculating startup costs helps you:
  • Estimate profits
  • Do a breakeven analysis
  • Secure loans
  • Attract investors
  • Save money with tax deductions

Identify your startup expenses

Most businesses fall into one of three categories: brick-and-mortar businesses, online businesses, and service providers. You’ll face different startup expenses depending on your business type.
Brick and mortar
Toolbox with a ruler, shovel, and hammer
There are common startup costs you’re likely to have no matter what. Look through this list, and make sure to add any other expenses that are unique to your business.
  • Office space
  • Equipment and supplies
  • Communications
  • Utilities
  • Licenses and permits
  • Insurance
  • Lawyer and accountant
  • Inventory
  • Employee salaries
  • Advertising and marketing
  • Market research
  • Printed marketing materials
  • Making a website

Estimate how much your expenses will cost

Once you have your list of expenses, you can estimate how much they’ll actually cost. This process will be different for each expense you have.
Some expenses will have well-defined costs — permits and licenses tend to have clear, published costs. You might have to estimate other costs that are less certain, like employee salaries. Look online and talk directly to mentors, vendors, and service providers to see what similar companies pay for expenses.

Add up your expenses for a full financial picture

Once you’ve identified your business expenses and how much they’ll cost, you should organize your expenses into one-time expenses and monthly expenses.
One-time expenses are the initial costs needed to start the business. Buying major equipment, hiring a logo designer, and paying for permits, licenses, and fees are generally considered to be one-time expenses. You can typically deduct one-time expenses for tax purposes, which can save you money on the amount of taxes you’ll owe. Make sure to keep track of your expenses and talk to your accountant when it’s time to file your taxes.
Monthly expenses typically include things like salaries, rent, and utility bills. You’ll want to count at least one year of monthly expenses, but counting five years is ideal.
Add up your one-time and monthly expenses to get a good picture of how much capital you’ll need and when you’ll need it.

Use your startup cost calculations to get startup funding

It’s a good idea to create a formal report of your expected startup costs.
You want it in a format that’s clear and easy to understand. Investors and lenders compare expected costs to projected revenue and determine the potential for your business to profit.


Fund your business

It costs money to start a business. Funding your business is one of the first — and most important — financial choices most business owners make. How you choose to fund your business could affect how you structure and run your business.

Determine how much funding you'll need

Every business has different needs, and no financial solution is one size fits all. Your personal financial situation and vision for your business will shape the financial future of your business.
Once you know how much startup funding you’ll need, it’s time to figure out how you’ll get it.
Piggy bank
Man in shirt and tie
Bank and money

Fund your business yourself with self-funding

Otherwise known as bootstrapping, self-funding lets you leverage your own financial resources to support your business. Self-funding can come in the form of turning to family and friends for capital, using your savings accounts, or even tapping into your 401k.
With self-funding, you retain complete control over the business but you also take on all the risk yourself. Be careful not to spend more than you can afford, and be especially careful if you choose to use tap into retirement accounts early. You might face expensive fees or penalties, or damage your ability to retire on time — so you should check with your plan’s administrator and a personal financial advisor first.

Get venture capital from investors

Investors can give you funding to start your business in the form of venture capital investments. Venture capital is normally offered in exchange for an ownership share and active role in the company.
Venture capital differs from traditional financing in a number of important ways. Venture capital typically:
  • Focuses high-growth companies
  • Invests capital in return for equity, rather than debt (it’s not a loan)
  • Takes higher risks in exchange for potential higher returns
  • Has a longer investment horizon than traditional financing
Almost all venture capitalists will, at a minimum, want a seat on the board of directors. So be prepared to give up some portion of both control and ownership of your company in exchange for funding.

How to get venture capital funding

There’s no guaranteed way to get venture capital, but the process generally follows a standard order of basic steps.
  1. Find an investor 
    Look for individual investors — sometimes called “angel investors” — or venture capital firms. Be sure to do enough background research to know if the investor is reputable and has experience working with startup companies.
  2. Share your business plan
    The investor will review your business plan to make sure it meets their investing criteria. Most investment funds concentrate on an industry, geographic area, or stage of business development.
  3. Go through due diligence review
    The investors will look at your company’s management team, market, products and services, corporate governance documents, and financial statements.
  4. Work out the terms 
    If they want to invest, the next step is to agree on a term sheet that describes the terms and conditions for the fund to make an investment.
  5. Investment
    Once you agree on a term sheet, you can get the investment! Once a venture fund has invested, it becomes actively involved in the company. Venture funds normally come in “rounds.” As the company meets milestones, further rounds of financing are made available, with adjustments in price as the company executes its plan.

No treasure map necessary

When John and Kelly didn’t have enough money to open their auto repair shop, they got an SBA-backed loan to help start their business.

Use crowdfunding to fund your business

Crowdfunding raises funds for a business from a large number of people, called crowdfunders. Crowdfunders aren’t technically investors, because they don’t receive a share of ownership in the business and don’t expect a financial return on their money.
Instead, crowdfunders expect to get a “gift” from your company as thanks for their contribution. Often, that gift is the product you plan to sell or other special perks, like meeting the business owner or getting their name in the credits. This makes crowdfunding a popular option for people who want to produce creative works (like a documentary), or a physical product (like a high-tech cooler).
Crowdfunding is also popular because it’s very low risk for business owners. Not only do you get to retain full control of your company, but if your plan fails, you’re typically under no obligation to repay your crowdfunders. Every crowdfunding platform is different, so make sure to read the fine print and understand your full financial and legal obligations.

Get a small business loan

If you want to retain complete control of your business, but don’t have enough funds to start, consider a small business loan.
To increase your chances of securing a loan, you should have a business planexpense sheet, and financial projections for the next five years. These tools will give you an idea of how much you'll need to ask for, and will help the bank know they’re making a smart choice by giving you a loan.
Once you have your materials ready, contact banks and credit unions to request a loan. You’ll want to compare offers to get the best possible terms for your loan.

Use Lender Match to find lenders who offer SBA-guaranteed loans 

If you have trouble getting a traditional business loan, you should look into SBA-guaranteed loans. When a bank thinks your business is too risky to lend money to, the SBA can agree to guarantee your loan. That way, the bank has less risk and is more willing to give your business a loan.
Use Lender Match to find lenders who offer SBA-guaranteed loans.

Small Business Administration investment programs

Small Business Investment Company (SBIC)

SBICs are privately owned and managed investment funds licensed and regulated by the Small Business Administration. They use their own capital, plus funds borrowed with an SBA guarantee, to make equity and debt investments in qualifying small businesses. Learn more about SBICs to see if your business might qualify.

Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) program

This program encourages small businesses to engage in federal research and development that has the potential for commercialization. Find out if the SBIR’s competitive awards-based program makes sense for you.

Small Business Technology Transfer (STTR) program

This program offers funding opportunities in the federal innovation research and development arena. Small businesses who qualify for this program work with nonprofit research institutions in the early and intermediate stages of starting up. Find out if the STTR program makes sense for your business.


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