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Algae and its NAICS

Apparently, Algae yeilds the following result,

Algae Farming, 112519  

we look forward to adding this to the corporate structure, and imagine a new field emerging with it.   

  "Some additional thoughts, Harry Adamson, and his class, the final meeting with Harry Adamson was final, my project , a piece of workout equipment "office furniture, computer work-out chair", or several pieces of them a new invention, presented the way it was presented, not to be questioned graded B+ degree was to be bachelor of science, i payed to walk and was allowed to walk, they didn't hand out degrees. Neither Kellogg or miller can deny completion, fuck payment. your broadcasting me wmu is phds!"

2017 NAICS Definition

T = Canadian, Mexican, and United States industries are comparable.

112519 Other Aquaculture

This U.S. industry comprises establishments primarily engaged in (1) farm raising of aquatic animals (except finfish and shellfish) and/or (2) farm raising of aquatic plants. Alligator, algae, frog, seaweed, or turtle production is included in this industry.

Cross-References. Establishments primarily engaged in--
  • Miscellaneous fishing activities, such as catching or taking of terrapins, turtles, and frogs from their natural habitat--are classified in U.S. Industry 114119, Other Marine Fishing;
  • Farm raising finfish--are classified in U.S. Industry 112511, Finfish Farming and Fish Hatcheries;
  • Farm raising shellfish--are classified in U.S. Industry 112512, Shellfish Farming; and
  • Growing hydroponic crops--are classified in U.S. Industry 111419, Other Food Crops Grown Under Cover.
Corresponding Index
112519 112519 112519 Algae farming
112519 112519 112519 Alligator production, farm raising
112519 112519 112519 Animal aquaculture (except finfish, shellfish)
112519 112519 112519 Frog production, farm raising
112519 112519 112519 Plant aquaculture
112519 112519 112519 Sea plant agriculture
112519 112519 112519 Seaweed farming
112519 112519 112519 Turtle production, farm raising


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