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Sba.com, Sba Loans, Lender Match

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Two people discussing in an office

Lender Match helps you find lenders.

Lender Match (formerly LINC) is a free online referral tool that connects small businesses with participating SBA-approved lenders.

How it works.

1Hands typing on a laptop.

Describe your needs

Answer a few questions about your business in as little as five minutes.
2A calendar

Get matched in 2 days

Receive an email with contact information of lenders who express interest in your loan.
3Two people in discussion around a conference table.

Talk to lenders

Compare rates, terms, fees, and more.
4A piggy bank.

Apply for a loan

Submit loan applications and paperwork. You're well on your way to securing a business loan!

Get ready.

Before you start talking to lenders, have a look at the abbreviated checklist to see if youre ready.

Business plan

Most lenders expect a business plan when you apply for startup funding. If you need to create one, follow our free business plan guide.

Amount & use of funds

Know how much capital you need and how it will help your business. You can’t use an SBA-approved loan to flip a house.

Credit history

Lenders use credit scores to determine credit risk and interest rates. The SBA helps guarantee some loans that otherwise may not qualify.

Financial projections

Show you understand your business' finances, how the funds will be used, and how you'll pay back the loan.


Many lenders require you to use another asset to guarantee your loan. This can be a home, car, inventory, or other property you own.

Industry experience

Industry experience isn't required, but it's helpful. Firsthand knowledge about your industry can make your lender feel confident about your loan request.
Have questions or need help getting prepared? Take advantage of free, local counseling.


You’ll receive an email with contact information of interested lenders two business days after you submit the form. From there, you’ll start talking to lenders and completing applications. Some will reach out to you, and you’re welcome to contact them as well.

No, using Lender Match doesn't guarantee that you'll get matched or be offered a loan. Lender Match isn't a loan application — it's a tool to help businesses find lenders in their communities.

Ask lenders about interest rates, minimum credit score, cash flow requirements, and other qualifying factors. Get an understanding of prepayment penalties, grace periods, and if/when the lender can demand full repayment of the loan’s principal.

The personally identifiable information you share will be used to connect you with prospective SBA lenders. Registering and providing responses to the questionnaire is no guarantee that SBA-approved lenders will find you eligible for their programs.

More than 800 lenders participate in Lender Match throughout all 50 states and U.S. territories. While all lenders who use Lender Match offer SBA-approved loans, many also offer conventional loans.

We're glad you asked! You can learn about our loan programs in more detail online. If you need to talk to someone about Lender Match, you can contact us or email us at lendermatch@sba.gov


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